Five HUGE tips for first-time buyers.
First timer or moving up? Aside from the fact that we’re really easy and fun to work with, here are five solid reasons for choosing a mortgage broker like Granite Mortgage Company to help finance your home.
1. We’re with you every step of the way.
We’re experts in mortgage loans. We can help you prequalify for a loan even before you choose a home. Then we’ll find the type of loan (and there are a lot of them) that fits you best and fill out and file all the necessary paperwork (and there’s a lot, too).
2. We can save you money.
As a mortgage broker, we work with lots of lenders so we can find the best available rate so you don’t waste tons of cash on the wrong type of loan for your situation. We can even help first-timers get a loan for as little as 1% down!
3. We will save you time.
We do the legwork. Did you know that shopping for a loan with a lot of different financial institutions could actually hurt your credit score? We already has access to several lenders. That will save you countless hours and could even make it easier to get the loan you want.
4. We have access to a wide variety of solid lenders
Some lenders only work with mortgage brokers. More lenders means you could get a better rate as a result of competition and have a better chance of getting your loan approved. Plus, we usually know the lenders who will approve buyers that banks deny.
5. We handle the negotiating.
Leave the negotiating to us. We negotiate loans just about every day and know how to get the best rates and terms available.
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